Registering and Logging In:
If you're on a PC, the menu is to the left. If using your phone, the bars at the top right take you to the menu. Please register (top right where you see " using your email address and create your own password. Once approved, you'll have full access and see additional menus. When registering you'll be required to give your email address, street address (1025 or 1045 Highway A1A) with unit number, then select Condo Owner or Renter, and phone number (not required). If you add your phone number during registration you can hide it from the directory later once logged in. Don't forget to log in, this is necessary for menu access.
Important Phone Numbers:
If you have an EMERGENCY continue reading:
If it is during the week 8:30 AM to 5 PM, you can phone the office 321 638-8880 ext 0 and the administrative staff can assist.
If you have an AFTER HOURS or HOLIDAY 'True' Emergency matter, you can phone the office 321 638-8880 ext 9 and you will be connected to the on-call service who will phone a manager on call to assist.